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Blitz the tender process with agency project management software

Martech is huge business these days as more creative teams and marketers turn to technology to streamline their marketing project processes and workflow. In particular, the ?project management software? category continues to experience strong growth.  According to the In-house Creative Industry Report 2019, 82% of respondents said they were using a project management system to manage their projects. Depending on the system and its inbuilt features, users have the ability to manage everything from briefing through to resourcing and approvals. So what does this have to do with tendering for marketing contracts?


The one tender requirement you need to be prepared for.
Over the last few years, marketing departments have come under more pressure to substantiate expenditure and keep a tighter leash on their marketing compliance. Project management software provides a range of benefits which includes above all unprecedented visibility over project work. This is why more brands, as part of the tender process, are stating that the successful ad agency musthave a project management tool implemented. We have intimate knowledge of this new requirement as several brands and agencies have nominated admation as their prefered project management software.


The types of features brands want to see in a project management tool and why.
A common challenge that brands have when using external agencies is a lack transparency over project work. How are tasks tracking? Are projects on deadline? Is compliance being checked off? Traditionally to get these kinds of answers, a few phone calls or emails need to be exchanged. With cloud-based project management software, brands can simply log in and check for themselves how the project is tracking. That level of unprecedented transparency is what brands are seeking today. Not to mention integrated features that enhance efficiencies all round such as: briefing templates, document management, online proofing tools, approval workflow and resource management, reporting tools, digital asset management and an automatic audit trail of work.


But it?s not all a one-way street. Project management software has just as many benefits for ad agencies.
By implementing project management software, ad agencies can also reap the benefits of this powerful tool. See for yourself:

  • Save all documents and files in one central hub
  • Enhance your briefing process with templates
  • Have more control with approval pathways
  • Plan and monitor projects with more visibility
  • Schedule tasks and resources effortlessly
  • Track resources and time expenditure
  • Eliminate high revision counts
  • Decrease repetitive administration
  • Estimate resources for future projects more accurately
  • Meet your clients? deadlines
  • Improve the quality of marketing output
  • Have better marketing compliance
  • Achieve faster turnaround on campaigns
  • Rest assured with secure third party approvals
  • Have 24/7 online access

Start the selection and implementation process now to get ahead of the competition!
Don?t wait for that tender software requirement. We highly recommend that you begin the selection and implementation process as soon as possible because it can take a couple of months to get up and running. Read our white paper for some helpful tips on selecting the right project management software for your agency.

If you?re curious to find out about admation, book a demo. That way, we can take you through some of the software?s features so you can see the benefits for yourself.