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Admation Resource Management Features and Tools Project Managers Will Love!

While traffic and project managers have different roles within an ad agency, they share a similar focus in that both are responsible for ensuring work flows seamlessly in and out of studio or creative department, within deadline and budget. 


Typical challenges for traffic and project managers:

  • A lack of transparency over resources
  • No easy way to ascertain how creative work is tracking
  • Projects going over budget

Aiming to solve these daily challenges in advertising agencies and marketing teams, Admation offers marketing resource management and project management solutions that are complete with handy tools and features. Here are a few key features that will help you manage your marketing resources:

1. Resource planner

Traffic and project managers need to understand what the resource capacity of their creative team is to manage workflow. Admation?s resource planner enables users to ascertain the resource capacity across every project in just seconds.

 2. Comprehensive task list

To keep abreast of work in progress, users can view a comprehensive task list to ascertain who the client is, the duration and deadline of the task, who it?s assigned to and the time logged on it so far. The list also outlines when a task has been reassigned to someone else.

 3. Assign and reassign tasks 

Project managers can easily assign and reassign tasks with Admation?s resource management software. Make sure all tasks are assigned and resources are shared evenly across every project. Automated messages will alert your resources to new task assignments and changes.


 4. Online timesheets 

Staff can log their time in Admation?s timesheet tool so that project managers can ascertain how much time (including overtime) is being spent on tasks and when jobs have been completed. Admation provides the option of prompting staff to log their time on a daily or weekly basis so that time logs don?t get overlooked.

5. Task and resource templates

When managing projects, it?s frustrating to have to keep re-entering details such as task and resource information. Once you?ve set up the task schedule for a project, you can just click on the ?Template? dropdown box and select ?Save As Template?. This will provide you with a framework of general resources and tasks for the next project without the tedious administration of having to re-enter details.

 6. Automated reminders 

Managers no longer have to prompt the creative team about commencing tasks and looming deadlines. Admation?s resource management software enables you to set up automated reminders when a task is first set up for any resource.

 7. Reporting tools

Weekly and monthly summaries can be generated on demand providing a complete view of the resources that have been utilised for any period. This means you can estimate what the resource capacity and budget might be for future projects.

 8. Project meetings

To stay abreast of changes and updates, managers may want to catch up with the creative team for a meeting. Simply log into Admation?s resource management feature and send meeting details and requests from here.

Get up to Speed - Learn More!

Need to learn more about resource management software and how it can benefit your agency or marketing team?  Download our free guide to Resource Management Software or read our comprehensive guide to Managing Marketing Resources with MRM software.

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