Talk to Our Team

Admation Client Win: ME Bank

After considering a range of marketing project management tools, ME Bank has selected admation as it's preferred software provider. Admation is set to deliver a range of features to ME Bank's marketing team to help improve their project, approval workflow and resource management.

Prior to implementing admation, ME Bank's marketing projects were paper-based and managed via manual processes. This resulted in inconsistencies throughout the briefing stage and approval workflow. In addition, the marketing team had no reporting and forecasting capabilities to monitor and track projects, nor the agility to respond to unplanned projects.

ME Bank went in search of project management software that could offer:

  • Increased agility and productivity
  • A decrease in artwork revisions, errors and bottle necks
  • More visibility over work in progress
  • A centralised digital hub to manage marketing projects
  • Improved collaboration
  • An automatic audit trail of marketing work
  • Reporting tools
  • Better forecasting capabilities
  • Asset management  

ME Bank selected admation for its range of integrated features:

  • Project management: online briefs, templates, document management and reporting tools
  • Approval workflow management: online proofing, centralised feedback system, automated reminders, deadline management
  • Resource management: task assignment tools, templates, time tracking, resource forecasting
  • Asset management; ad storage library, DAM, asset sharing, user rights management

We are very excited to be working with ME Bank and look forward to bringing positive change to the way they manage their marketing projects.

If you are looking for a solution to help your creative team manage and deliver marketing projects, schedule a demo with our product team today!

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