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The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Project Management Software

You’re a creative pro with more work than hours in the day. Your team churns out gorgeous campaigns, but keeping all those moving parts going takes serious project management skills. Without the right processes and tools, your creative fire gets bogged down in messy workflows, missed deadlines, and feedback chaos. But what if there was marketing project management software designed just for creative teams like yours?

 Let’s look at how the right marketing project management platform can help you streamline workflows, hit deadlines, and spend more time creating. Get ready to ignite your creative potential and keep your best ideas moving.

The Biggest Challenge for Marketing Teams? Managing Creative Workflows

 As a marketer, you know how difficult it can be to keep creative projects on track. Between coordinating with designers, copywriters, and stakeholders, ensuring brand compliance, and moving through the approval process, inefficiencies tend to creep in. Many teams struggle with: 

  • Communication breakdowns. It’s easy for important details to get lost over email or misunderstood in meetings. This slows down projects and creates extra work.
  • Approval bottlenecks. Getting sign-off from all the necessary people in the proper order can be complicated. Projects sit idle waiting for approvals, jeopardizing deadlines.
  • Compliance issues. Ensuring brand standards, legal requirements and regulatory compliance during projects with many moving parts is challenging. Costly errors can slip through the cracks.
  • Lack of visibility. When managing multiple projects at once, it’s hard to see the status of each, who’s responsible for what, and whether anything is falling behind schedule. Projects can feel out of control.

Marketing Project Management tools

To overcome these challenges, many marketing teams are turning to marketing project management software. This specialized software is designed to streamline creative workflows, simplify marketing approvals, and ensure compliance. It provides: 

  • A centralized place to collaborate and manage all your marketing projects.
  • Automated approval workflows to speed up signoffs.
  • Compliance tracking to reduce risks.
  • Task management, reporting, and dashboards for visibility into projects.

By implementing a purpose-built solution, your team can boost efficiency, enhance collaboration, accelerate approvals, and maintain compliance. The result is improved productivity, higher quality work, and less stress (the value of which we cannot stress enough).

While change can be difficult, creative project management software is worth exploring as way to transform how your team manages creative projects.


Your Marketing Project Management Software’s Very Reason for Being

 Any decent marketing project management software exists to reduce chaos, ensure compliance, accelerate approvals, and boost transparency and team productivity. This kind of software is designed specifically for creative and marketing teams to create order out of all the balls they usually have up in the air.

 Core features of creative project management software include:

  • Project templates to standardize and simplify the creation of new projects.
  • A centralized asset library to store and organize marketing materials in one place.
  • Online proofing and review capabilities to streamline the approval of creative work.
  • Customizable marketing approval software to match your internal sign-off processes.
  • Task lists, calendars, and reminders to keep projects and deadlines on track.
  • Reporting and analytics to gain insights into team productivity, workloads, and budget.


One Central Platform to Enhance Your Creative Workflows

Instead of juggling spreadsheets, email threads and file sharing services, you have a centralized platform to manage the entire creative lifecycle in one place.

  • Simplified project initiation: Easily brief new projects, assign tasks to team members, and set deadlines to kick start things off efficiently. Online project briefs and briefing templates help ensure nothing gets missed.
  • Seamless collaboration: The entire team can access all project details, files and communications in one spot. This reduces confusion and prevents things from falling through the cracks.
  • Accelerated marketing approvals: Tiered approval workflows and automated reminders speed up the review and sign-off process at every stage. No more chasing people down for approvals or waiting on feedback.
  • Gain valuable insights: Reporting and dashboard features provide visibility into how your team, resources, and budgets are performing, so you can make data-driven decisions to improve efficiency.

While shifting to a new software can be an adjustment, the long-term benefits of implementing a marketing project management solution far outweigh any initial challenges. And with the right training and support, there is no reason why your team can’t be up and running quickly.

Many leading brands have found success with platforms like Simple Admation to manage complex marketing projects from start to finish. Why not see how it could improve your team’s working process.


The Key Features Everyone’s Looking for in a Creative Project Management Tool

When choosing a marketing project management software, look for a solution with features tailored to the needs of your creative teams and marketing workflows. The right tools for you will have:

Online proofing and approval capabilities:

The ability to upload draft creative work, documents or campaigns and get feedback, revisions, and marketing approvals – all in one place. This streamlines the review process and avoids confusion for managing multiple email threads or offline conversations.

Customizable project templates:

Look for a tool that provides templates for common marketing projects like social media campaigns, content creation or product launches. Customizable templates help ensure you don’t miss any important steps and allow you to get started quickly.

Document management and version control:

A good creative project management tool will have a central place to store all documents, images, and files related to your projects. It should allow you to upload new versions, compare changes, revert to previous versions if needed and maintain and audit trail. This avoids confusion from having multiple copies in various locations.

Task management and notifications:

The software should allow you to create tasks, assign them to team members, set deadlines and notify people when tasks are approaching due dates or need attention. This helps keep projects moving according to schedule with nothing falling off the radar.

Reporting and dashboards:

Look for a tool that provides an at-a-glance view of all your creative and completed projects. It should give your team insight into project status, task completion, budget versus actual costs and timelines. Customizable reports and dashboards allow you to gain valuable insights into how to improve your marketing operations and processes.

Third-party integrations:

Consider if the tool integrates with other software you use like design tools, content management systems or budgeting and finance platforms. Integrations can help minimize manual data entry and further enhance your creative workflow.

The result is happy teams, happy clients, and a competitive advantage for your business.


Benefits, Benefits, Everywhere

 Implementing a dedicated marketing project management solution can significantly boost your team’s efficiency and productivity. Here are some of the major benefits you can expect: 

  1. Streamlined creative workflows.
  2. Improved collaboration.
  3. Ensured compliance.
  4. Integration with existing tools.
  5. Performance tracking.

Streamline Content Review and Marketing Approval Cycles

The content review and approval process can often feel tedious and time consuming. Have you ever had a simple blog post or social media update go through multiple rounds of feedback and revisions only to end up back where it started? Creative project management software helps eliminate this headache by automating and expediting approvals.

Rather than emailing draft content around and manually tracking different versions and comments, the software provides a centralized hub for the entire review and approval workflow. All stakeholders can view the latest content draft, suggest changes, and approve (or request revisions) directly within the platform. The software automatically keeps track of the approval status, sending reminders to reviewers if needed. This avoids the risk of drafts getting lost in overflowing inboxes or long email chains.

Creative project management software also offers tiered approval capabilities, enabling you to set up a multi-level review process based on the complexity or importance of the content. For a quick social media post, a single round of review by a marketing manager may suffice. In contrast, an in-depth white paper or case study would likely require input from subject matter experts, legal review and final sign-off from an executive team member. The software allows you to customize approval chains to match your organization’s needs.

Further, by providing full audit trails and version control, creative project management software gives you visibility into how the content evolved through each round of feedback. You’ll know exactly who suggested what changes and when, enabling you to understand how the result came to be. This information is invaluable for maintaining marketing compliance, adhering to brand guidelines, and replicating successful review processes in the future.


Enhance Collaboration and Communication

Working with creative and marketing teams often means juggling multiple projects at once with many moving parts. Marketing project management software enhances collaboration and communication between all stakeholders, reducing confusion and keeping everyone on the same page. 

  • Centralized communication. All discussions, feedback and approvals are captured in one place. No more wasting time searching through emails or trying to schedule calls to get questions answered. Team members always have full context and up-to-date information on the project’s progress right at their fingertips.
  • Streamlined feedback and approvals. Built-in approval workflows route projects to the right people in the proper order. Reviewers can easily provide feedback, request changes, or approve content directly in the software. Automatic notifications alert stakeholders as soon as their input or sign-off is needed to keep projects moving forward.
  • Task management and accountability. The ability to create tasks, assign them to individuals, set due dates and monitor progress gives managers insight into workloads. Team members receive notifications as soon as tasks are assigned to them, keeping them accountable, and your projects on schedule.
  • Version control. No more confusion over which version of a document or creative asset is the latest or has been approved. The software tracks the progress of each version, capturing details like who made changes, when and descriptions of what has been modified. Only the approved final version can be accessed for use in campaigns or published on platforms.

Marketing project management software leads to improved communication, collaboration and ultimately gets high-quality creative work and campaigns to market faster.


Managing marketing projects to ensure compliance

To ensure your marketing materials meet legal and branding standards, marketing project management software is invaluable. As marketers we’re often juggling multiple projects with tight deadlines, so it’s easy for small details to fall away. However, failing to comply with regulations or brand guidelines can cost you big time.

Using software to manage marketing projects helps safeguard against errors and non-compliance in a few ways:

  • Centralized asset storage. All your marketing assets – images, logos, copy, templates, etc. – are stored in one place. This makes it easy for everyone to find the latest approved versions and ensure you’re using the current brand assets.
  • Automated approval workflows. With software that can automatically route projects through the proper approval channels based on criteria like campaign, region, or budget, you can take the guesswork out of determining who needs to review and sign off on each project.
  • Version control. Having a full audit trail means you can easily revert to a fully compliant version if needed.
  • Checklists and task management. Choose a software that allows you to create checklists to ensure all marketing compliance requirements and key steps are completed for each job.
  • Reporting and analytics. Get insights into how well your team and projects are meeting compliance standards. Analytics help identify any problem areas so you can make improvements and avoid issues going forward.

Integrate with existing martech stacks

 Integrating new software into your existing stack can seem daunting. But the right project management for creatives will slot right in, connecting with the tools you already use to keep information flowing freely.

 Look for a solution that offers ready-made integrations with major platforms like: 

  • Creative tools. Connect with design software like Photoshop and InDesign to automatically save the latest versions of creative files to your projects.
  • Sync with customer relationship management systems like Salesforce to automatically log communications and updates to relevant accounts and campaigns.
  • Content management systems. Integrate with CMSs such as WordPress to save content creation progress and publish directly from your project.
  • Productivity tools. Link to platforms like Slack, Trello, and Asana to get notifications, share files and automatically populate tasks, keeping your whole team in the loop.
  • Accounting software. Connect to accounting tools like Xero to log billable hours and expenses to the appropriate clients and projects.

With the right integrations in place, you’ll have a single source of truth for all your marketing efforts. Information can flow seamlessly between systems, reducing duplicated effort. The key is choosing a solution focused on working with the tools you already rely on, rather than replacing them.


Track Performance of Creative Campaigns and Assets

To gauge the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and creative assets, it’s important to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs). Marketing project management software makes it easy to track key metrics so you can see what’s working and adjust accordingly.

Some of the KPIs you’ll want to track include: 

  • Campaign engagement. How many people interacted with your campaign? Metrics like impressions, clicks, shares, likes and comments show who saw and engaged with your content.
  • Conversion rates. What percentage of people who saw your campaign took the desired action? Monitor metrics like lead generation, sales, and customer acquisition rates.
  • Asset performance. See which visuals, videos, social posts, and other creative elements resonated most with your audience. Look at metrics like views, shares, comments, and click-through rates for each asset.
  • Cost per conversion. Calculate how much you spent on a campaign versus how much revenue it generated. Lower cost per conversion means higher return on investment (ROI).

Tracking and analysing these KPIs helps you gain invaluable insights into your marketing and creative efforts. Now you can make strategic decisions that boost ROI and drive real impact.


Marketing Project Management Software is Not Without its Challenges

 The key to implementing any new software is to approach the transition strategically while maintaining an open mindset. One of the biggest concerns is often integrating the new software with your existing tech stack. Look for a solution that easily syncs with tools your team already uses. Some solutions offer open APIs and integrations with major platforms. Take time to evaluate how well different options will mesh with your current systems.

 Gaining team adoption and providing adequate training are also crucial to success. Understandably, people can be resistant to change and wary of new technology. Combat this by choosing a simple, intuitive solution and offering resources to help employees get up to speed such as video tutorials, documentation, and live support. Recognize that full adoption will take time. With regular use, any new software can soon become second nature.

Proving return on investment is key to gaining leadership buy-in and funding. Carefully track metrics before and after implementation, like time spent on routine tasks, project completion rates, and campaign performance. Look for improvements in productivity, collaboration, marketing compliance, and project outcomes. Some solutions provide built-in reporting to easily quantify the impact.

 While challenges are inevitable, project management for creatives ultimately allows your team to work smarter, not harder.


These Could Be Your Successes: Two Examples

When companies implement marketing project management software, the results can be truly transformative.

 Take the example of Tourism Australia – a government agencystruggling with inefficient tools across in house and external agencies to get their marketing campaigns completed and consistent. Inconsistent briefs, delayed reviewer feedback and high artwork revision counts created delays in projects, affecting their budget and bottom line.

By adopting a marketing project management solution like Admation, they have been able to streamline their end-to-end marketing project lifecycle. They can now brief projects with greater accuracy, enjoy enhanced transparency around feedback and approvals and with less revisions they can get their campaigns to market much faster.

Australian Tourism Loves Admation Marketing Project Management software

Global snack company Mondelez faced the challenge of getting legal approvals for various marketing materials for several of their brands including packaging, POS material, and digital content. They needed a solution that considered each region in this international company’s unique workflows. With the implementation of Simple Admation marketing project management software, they saw significant improvement in their approvals process with each regional marketing team able to customize their own workflows. Today over 200 approvals are seamlessly processed through Admation every week.

With a single source of truth for online proofing, approvals and asset management, and customized work-in-progress reports, regional legal teams now have more visibility over approvals ensuring all artwork is correct and compliant before going to market. The benefits the company has enjoyed are reduced costs with less artwork revisions, greater efficiency and a secure, centralized location of all approved artwork assets to be saved. 

For these companies and others, implementing a purpose-built solution for managing marketing projects paid off through boosted efficiency, faster approvals, ensured compliance, and improved collaboration.

You can find more inspiring case studies and success stories on platforms like’s blog here.


This Is Only the Beginning

By now you should have a solid understanding of how a marketing project management solution can enhance your creative and marketing teams’ way of working for projects that are more efficient, creative, and profitable.

This kind of software is a game changer for marketing professionals and creatives. It simplifies complex processes, makes collaboration easy, fast tracks approvals, and ultimately makes everything run more efficiently.

 If you’re ready to take your marketing team to the next level, we encourage you to explore Simple Admation marketing project management solution and how it can help unleash your team’s full potential.


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