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Have More Visibility Over Your Marketing Projects Without Losing Your Head

The Dilemma and The Fix Series - Part 4:

The Dilemma
James is Head of Marketing and currently doing the annual budget for his department. Since ramping up operations, he has no idea how much time is being spent on projects. He checks the Marketing & Resources Calendar saved on the server, but finds there are five indistinct versions. With the clock ticking, he?s tempted to go ?eeny meeny miny mo?, but he?s fairly certain this is not a sound strategy.

He calls his Marketing Manager instead, only to find none of the spreadsheets is current. She?ll email an updated version in twenty minutes but two hours later, with no update, James is losing his head. When the email finally arrives, he discovers a project has fallen off the calendar. He also notices that while some resources are overloaded others appear to be enjoying a daily siesta. James, meanwhile, has developed a major headache.

Do you feel like James, always in the dark when it comes to your department?s marketing projects and resources? Struggling to get priority work done because you don?t have the right information? Well, pack away the Panadol, we?ve got the perfect marketing management solution for a Marketing Head like you.


The Fix
For the Marketing Heads of the World: Enjoy a clearer head and greater transparency with admation?s approval workflow software

You only have to reach as far as your computer and login to admation to have the clarity you?ve always desired. Check out these great features.

1. Department Dashboard & Calendar
Meet admation?s live Department Dashboard & Calendar ? aka your new best friend. This feature provides you with everything you ever needed to know about your resources. Who is working on what and when? It?s all here at a glance. Each time a new project is created, the system automatically updates the calendar which means you?ll never have to wait around for an update ever again. When a resource or your department is nearing capacity, admation sends an alert so there won?t be any surprises.

2. Online Timesheets
How do you create an accurate budget if you don?t understand how your resources are being utilised? Admation takes much of the guesswork out of budgeting by enabling your staff to log their time which the system then saves across to a timesheet. Now you can ascertain how long tasks and projects are taking to complete. You can also enhance departmental efficiencies with unprecedented visibility.

3. Projects in Progress & Approval Dashboard
Projects in Progress provides the ultimate in version control. View a live version of all projects on the go so that you always know how your marketing projects are tracking. Click on the Approvals Dashboard to stay in the loop with approvals.

4. Marketing Compliance
As a Marketing Head, poor marketing compliance doesn?t reflect well on your brand or your leadership. With admation, all documents, files and communications are saved in a central, online location so that you always have an automatic audit trail of work. This also encourages your staff to be more accountable for their work. Your Marketing Manager can set approval pathways to ensure that no stakeholders (such as Legal) are missed in the approval workflow. The software also has a DAM and Ad Storage feature so that your creative team is always working with the most current brand assets while final, approved files are safely (and automatically) stored away.

5. Reporting tools
You?re busy enough, so let admation do the tedious admin for you. Generate any number of weekly reports that show you how your marketing projects and resources are performing.

Interested in learning how admation is helping marketing teams gain control of their marketing projects?  Schedule a demo today! 

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