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How to Provide Effective Feedback in Marketing Approvals

In managing and delivering creative and marketing projects, feedback is essential. It’s the compass that directs your campaigns toward achieving their goals, ensuring your brand message is both consistent and powerful. But as crucial as feedback is, it’s not just any feedback that drives success—it’s the right kind of feedback. We’ve all been on the receiving end of vague or contradictory feedback that muddles more than it clarifies. So, if you’re in the position to provide feedback, how can you avoid common pitfalls and contribute constructively?

Effective feedback is a cornerstone of successful collaboration between creative and marketing teams, enabling them to streamline workflows and automate content creation process and approvals.

Let’s explore our top best practices for providing feedback in a marketing approval workflow. By following these guidelines, your team can streamline creative approvals, improve project outcomes, and maintain alignment with your brand’s strategic goals.


1. Understanding the Marketing Approval Process

The marketing approval process is a critical component of any successful marketing strategy. It involves evaluating and refining marketing materials, such as creative assets, content, and campaigns, to ensure they meet the desired standards and align with the brand’s overall goals. This process typically requires collaboration between various stakeholders, including marketing teams, creative agencies, and external partners.

Admaton Feedback on a Batch of Marketing Content

A well-structured marketing approval process ensures that marketing materials are accurate, consistent, and compliant with regulatory requirements. It also enables marketing teams to work efficiently, reduce errors, and improve the overall quality of their creative output. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the marketing approval process has become increasingly complex. With the rise of various online proofing process tools and collaboration software, marketing teams can now streamline their approval processes, reduce feedback loops, and accelerate time-to-market.


2. Fully Understand Your Project’s End Goals

The foundation of meaningful feedback lies in understanding your marketing project’s end goals. Without clarity, feedback can become misguided, leading to revisions that waste time and resources. Managing creative marketing assets is crucial to ensure they align with these project goals. Here are key areas to consider before diving in:

  • Creative Brief: Review the project’s creative brief thoroughly. Who is the target audience? What message should the project convey?

  • Channels and Mediums: Feedback should be tailored to the medium. A social media post may require more visual appeal, while a blog post demands well-crafted copy.

  • Brand Guidelines: Ensure your feedback aligns with brand guidelines, covering elements like tone, visuals, and messaging.

When your feedback is goal-oriented, you’ll provide creative team with actionable feedback and insights that steer the project toward success.


3. Identifying Stakeholders and Their Roles

Identifying key stakeholders, and their roles is a crucial step in the review and approval process. Stakeholders can include internal teams, such as marketing, creative, and legal, as well as external partners, such as agencies and vendors.

Internal stakeholders typically include:

  • Marketing Teams: Responsible for developing and executing marketing campaigns.

  • Creative Teams: Tasked with creating marketing assets, such as graphics, videos, and copy.

  • Legal Teams: Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

External stakeholders typically include:

  • Agencies: Provide creative services, such as advertising and design.

  • Vendors: Supply goods and services, such as printing and distribution.

Understanding the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder is essential to both marketing compliance and ensuring a smooth and efficient marketing approval process. This clarity helps in coordinating efforts and maintaining a streamlinedmarketing compliance workflow.


2. Know Your Role in the Review and Approval Process

Understanding your place in the marketing approval workflow is vital for effective project management. Feedback given too early or too late can lead to unnecessary revisions, costing both time and money. Collaboration between internal and external teams is essential in this process, as it helps streamline marketing approvals, upload marketing assets, collect feedback and provide feedback efficiently, avoiding communication errors and disconnects.

Here are a few considerations based on typical roles:

  • Early Stakeholders: If you’re providing feedback early in the approval process, focus on high-level elements like overall messaging and design direction.

  • Legal & Compliance: Your input is crucial for regulatory alignment. However, it’s most impactful toward the end of the process when the creative direction is finalised.

By aligning your feedback timing with your role, you help avoid confusion and project delays and ensure the project advances smoothly.


3. Provide Clear, Concise, and Targeted Feedback

Ambiguity is the enemy of effective feedback. To avoid confusion, keep your feedback clear, concise, and specific. Here’s how:

  • Direct Instructions: Avoid vague statements. Instead of saying, “Make it pop,” specify, “Increase the brightness of the background colour for better contrast.”

  • Avoid Jargon: Use straightforward language that’s easy for everyone on the team to understand.

  • Utilise Online Proofing Tools: Tools like online proofing software can simplify feedback with digital mark-ups and annotations, reducing misinterpretation.

    • Use the best online proofing tools to organise feedback into structured review processes, integrating project management features like due dates, automated reminders, and status indicators.

Targeted feedback allows graphic designers, and copywriters to make precise adjustments, ultimately saving time.



4. Stay Objective, Not Subjective

Personal preferences can skew feedback, but what matters is alignment with project goals and brand standards. Here’s how to stay objective:

  • Feedback for Project Success: Base your feedback on whether it supports the campaign’s objectives, rather than personal tastes.

    • Engage Relevant Stakeholders: Ensure that feedback from relevant stakeholders aligns with project goals and brand standards, enhancing overall efficiency.

  • Avoid Colour or Style Bias: Rather than changing a design because it’s not your favourite, evaluate if the current design aligns with brand guidelines and resonates with the target audience.

When feedback is objective, it fosters a more collaborative and productive creative work environment.


5. Honour the Marketing Approval Workflow Process

Your organisation’s approval workflow is there for a reason. Adhering to it ensures everyone knows what to expect and reduces missteps. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Follow Sequence: Don’t jump ahead in the approval process. If it’s not your turn yet, resist the temptation to give feedback early.

    • Use a project management tool to keep the workflow organised and efficient.

  • Document Feedback: Always provide feedback through the designated platform, ensuring a clear and documented trail. Avoid giving feedback casually in conversations; if it’s important, document it.

By respecting the workflow, you ensure accountability and clarity, helping everyone stay on the same page.


6. Leverage Your Expertise

Your insights are valuable. Don’t hold back when providing feedback that could enhance the project’s success. Here’s how to make the most of your expertise:

  • Identify Gaps: If you notice critical messaging is missing or the visuals don’t align with brand standards, make your concerns known.

    • The marketing team plays a crucial role in providing expert feedback, ensuring that all content meets the required standards and enhances project success.

  • Be Confident in Your Perspective: If your expertise tells you that a certain change will improve the project, stand by your opinion, even if it means convincing others.

This approach will not only elevate the project but also position you as a trusted resource within your team.


7. Leveraging Technology for Streamlined Approval

Technology has revolutionised the marketing approval online proofing process, enabling creative teams to streamline their workflows, reduce feedback loops, and accelerate time-to-market. Online proofing software tools and collaboration software have become essential components of the marketing approval process.

Online proofing software tools, such as Admation enable internal and external teams to share and review marketing assets in real-time, reducing the need for email chains and manual feedback. These best online proofing tools also provide version control, ensuring that all stakeholders are working with the latest version of the asset.

Collaboration software, and content management systems such as Admation, enable marketing teams to work together more efficiently, assigning tasks, tracking progress, and sharing feedback in real-time.

By leveraging technology, teams can:

  • Reduce Feedback Loops and Accelerate Time-to-Market: Streamline the review process and get campaigns out faster.

  • Improve Collaboration and Communication: Enhance interaction between internal and external stakeholders.

  • Ensure Version Control and Reduce Errors: Keep everyone on the same page with the latest updates.

  • Streamline Workflows and Increase Efficiency: Optimize the entire marketing approval process for better results.

In conclusion, the marketing approval process is a critical component of any successful marketing strategy. By understanding the process, identifying stakeholders and their roles, and leveraging technology, marketing teams can streamline their workflows, reduce feedback loops, and accelerate time-to-market.


8. Respect and Acknowledge the Work of Creative and Marketing Teams

Feedback can sometimes be difficult to hear, especially when it’s critical. Maintaining a respectful tone can make all the difference. Try these tips:

  • Lead with Positives: Start by acknowledging what’s working well in the project. This makes critical feedback easier to digest.

  • Encourage Constructive Dialogue: Phrase feedback in a way that opens up conversation. For example, “I wonder if this could be more effective if…” invites collaboration.

Remember, the goal is not just to point out what’s wrong, but to work together to create something exceptional.


Admation: Streamlining Feedback and Review Processes for Marketing Content

Admation is a powerful marketing project management and online proofing tool designed to make feedback and review processes seamless for creative and marketing teams. With its comprehensive set of features, Admation supports teams in managing creative and marketing projects more efficiently while ensuring that all stakeholders provide effective, targeted feedback. Here’s how Admation enhances the feedback process and benefits internal and external teams:


Key Features of Admation for Feedback and Review:

  • Online Proofing: Admation offers an intuitive online proofing interface, enabling users to review, annotate, and approve content directly on the platform. This eliminates the need for lengthy email chains, allowing stakeholders to collaborate in real-time on images, videos, documents, and other creative assets. By centralising feedback, Admation reduces miscommunication and ensures everyone is on the same page.

  • Version Control and Comparison: Keeping track of multiple versions of creative assets can be challenging. Admation's version control features automatically log each revision and allow users to compare versions side-by-side. This ensures feedback is applied accurately, reduces errors, and provides a clear record of changes made throughout the project.

  • Automated Reminders and Notifications: Admation keeps projects moving forward with automated reminders and notifications. Team members are alerted when their feedback is needed or when deadlines are approaching, helping to streamline the approval process and reduce bottlenecks. This feature ensures timely responses, so projects stay on track and meet their time-to-market goals.

  • Customisable Workflows: Different projects may require different workflows. Admation allows users to customise marketing approval workflowsto suit specific projects, providing flexibility to include only relevant stakeholders in each phase. This feature optimises collaboration by ensuring that only the right people are involved at the right stages of the review process.


How Admation Benefits Marketing Teams:

  • Streamlined Feedback Process: Admation’s online proofing software and workflow automation simplify the feedback process, reducing review cycles and enabling teams to finalise projects faster. By centralising feedback, Admation minimises confusion and provides a clear path from initial drafts to final approval.

  • Improved Collaboration: Admation enhances collaboration by bringing all stakeholders—internal teams, creative agencies, and legal or compliance partners—into one platform. This integrated approach fosters clearer communication and aligns everyone on project goals, reducing potential misunderstandings.

  • Enhanced Compliance and Accountability: With Admation, all feedback is documented and tracked, which is crucial for maintaining compliance, particularly for teams in regulated industries. The platform’s detailed audit trail provides a clear record of approvals and changes, which can be invaluable for audits or compliance reviews.

  • Increased Efficiency and Reduced Errors: The platform's automated reminders, version control, and customisable workflows help reduce human error and improve efficiency. Teams can focus on creativity and strategic planning rather than administrative tasks, ultimately driving more successful outcomes.

By leveraging Admation’s robust features, creative teams can streamline their feedback processes, ensure high-quality deliverables, and maintain a smooth, compliant marketing approval workflow. With tools like these, providing effective feedback becomes more straightforward, empowering your team to achieve more with less friction.