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Simple announces the Intelligent Marketing Platform powered by Microsoft technology

Today marked an exciting development in the history of Simple! Simple’s CEO appeared onstage at Microsoft’s Business Forward customer event in Melbourne with James Phillips, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Business Applications Group, to announce that we are partnering with Microsoft and launching our new Intelligent Marketing Platform. Powered by Microsoft technology, our Intelligent Marketing Platform will transform how brands use artificial intelligence to create exceptional customer experiences. Read the announcement:

SYDNEY, April 11, 2018: Simple has announced plans to partner with Microsoft and adopt its end-to-end intelligent cloud to power its Intelligent Marketing Platform, aiming to disrupt Marketing Operations Cloud.

Among the first independent software vendors to build atop the Microsoft Business Applications Platform, Simple has developed its Intelligent Marketing Platform, combining the functionality of PowerApps, Dynamics 365 for Marketing and Office 365, to help redefine Marketing Operations Cloud.

And by utilising new capabilities offered with Power BI – the Common Data Service for Analytics — Simple is enabling organisations to rapidly integrate marketing data from multiple sources within its Intelligent Marketing Platform to generate insights and improve marketing performance.

“Simple’s Intelligent Marketing Platform injects artificial intelligence into upstream marketing planning, where there is none today — giving CMOs new insight into how they can maximise the return on marketing investment for the entire organisation,” Simple chief executive officer said.

Simple’s Intelligent Marketing Platform is an upstream planning solution that not only enables brands to maximise the value of their marketing dollar at every touchpoint across the organisation, but also to boost the effectiveness of their technology budget.

A recent study from KPCB reports that marketing teams use more than 90 different marketing cloud technology tools, but most utilise only a fraction of their capacity.

“By connecting with capabilities already available within Microsoft Dynamics 365, Simple can deploy marketing tools as required throughout the marketing process, maximising the return on that technology investment,” Mr Forrest said.

“Marketing Operations Cloud solutions have traditionally imposed technology on marketing teams, requiring them to learn new ways of working,” he said.

“Simple’s Intelligent Marketing Platform will transform the way marketing teams work using many of the tools they already use, reducing friction, slashing complexity and achieving maximum effectiveness.”

“We are excited to partner with Simple as they build and innovate on top of the Microsoft Business Application Platform,” said James Phillips, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Business Applications Group.

“Their Marketing Operations Cloud expertise combined with Microsoft technology, will help our customers reimagine their marketing processes, improve marketing effectiveness and deliver compelling value.”

Simple is headquartered in Sydney, Australia, with offices in Melbourne, Brisbane and the US. Its blue-chip customers span the banking, superannuation, retail and entertainment sectors. Contact us for more information.