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Better Marketing Projects Briefs: Less Bliss Tea

The Dilemma & The Fix Series - Part 6

The Dilemma
Adrianna is a production manager who received news today that yet another project commenced without a brief. How could this happen? you ask. Adrianna keeps asking herself the same thing. In fact, someone saw her in the lunch room making her fourth cup of 'Bliss' tea and mumbling to herself - it's not that difficult to write a brief.  Later, she was checking over a brief that someone did put together, only to find it was more frustrating than a jig saw with missing parts. She was last seen with her forehead on the desk repeating, someone please write me a proper brief.


Are you feeling frustrated like Adrianna? Or are you one of the Guilty Parties who avoids spending time on briefs? Either way, we have the fix for you. Let?s take a look at how you can all slam dunk the creative brief.

The Fix
The Guilty Parties: Capture your brilliant ideas in a creative brief! We dare you.
Hey Guilty Parties, we know you?re busy but here?s the thing: if you want to see your great ideas transformed into campaigns people remember, it?s time to nail your marketing project briefs.

Some wise words from The Balance: ?If you start with a solid brief, written with care on the back of hard work, research and dedication to the client?s problem, you'll do well.?

It?s also essential that you bring your ideas to life through the language you use in your brief. Be bold, be engaging, be inspiring. And inspire your creative team to do their best work. Sure, no one wants War and Peace, so keep it succinct while clearly stating your objectives. Oh and don't forget to include those all-important milestones. While it takes a little longer to create a (great) brief, ultimately this cuts down on messy changes and long, drawn out approvals down the track. The production team will thank you.

The Adriannas of this World: Lift your head up high. Admation's briefing features are here to drag you out of the chaos.
Admation's approval workflow software has a range of features to help you manage marketing projects but what you need to hear about right now is its inbuilt briefing features. Are you ready?


1. Online Briefing
Imagine this: no more projects without briefs, no more conversations in the lunch room which are ?the brief?, no more hardcopies getting lost in someone's overflowing in-tray, no more barely briefs with critical information missing.

With online briefing, any approved stakeholder can log into admation and fill out a project brief which includes mandatory fields that can't be bypassed. We know how to wrangle the Guilt Parties in! All briefs are saved in one central location so they can't get mislaid and you always have an automatic audit trail of work.

2. Brief Templates
We get that each type of content you produce has different specifications, so we thought that creating your own project briefing templates would be handy. This way, every brief captures the unique information you need to kickstart a campaign. It's super easy for anyone writing a brief to just click and go.

3. Brief Approvals
Let's face it, you don't always ace the brief the first-time round. That's why we added a nifty feature where you can send a brief for approval so it can get the love that it needs. Imagine the time this saves later on not having to go back and forth with feedback and changes. Feeling a whole lot lighter?


Benefits of admation's online briefing feature

  • It's a faster and easier way to brief a creative project.
  • Wrangle in any Guilty Parties and get them briefing like never before.
  • Get all the right information upfront and cut down time on your production time. Gotta love that.
  • Eliminate the laborious, never-ending (and it really does feel like it's never-ending) cycle of artwork changes.
  • Still plenty of space to write those descriptions that get people excited about the project.
  • Your briefs will pop up in admation whenever you need to review them. Easy.
  • Spend less time online ordering calming teas to deal with the chaos.

Now tell us. What chaos?

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