Many of today’s marketers spend their days, nights and weekends knee-deep in activities, campaigns and metrics which are broadly common across key verticals (finance, education, FMCG, etc) and audiences (B2B, B2C, P2P, etc).
A promotional flyer, a brochure or a billboard requires imagery, text, design and assembly; a new product launch will involve the collaboration of, and sign-off from, different parts of the organisation; while a Facebook lead-generation campaign will have its own requirements which are familiar to marketers from many backgrounds.
But that’s where the commonalities end. Because, while many marketers are performing similar tasks in their day-to-day work, the way that they are performing those tasks is what sorts a well-oiled marketing team from a broken one.
A clunky briefing process or campaign due-dates getting lost in personal Gmail calendars, and the cogs in the machine start to grind to a halt. So Simple.
So much of what marketers do today is time-critical. The word ‘deadline’ has become ingrained in 21st century business vernacular. Hardly a day goes by in most marketing departments without the D-word being uttered by someone.
And in an environment where time is of the essence, delays caused by the marketing team’s inability to get work briefed, delivered, signed off and shipped is an opportunity-cost to the organisation – not just in terms of missed deadlines for publications and events, but also in terms of letting competitors through the door.
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Getting marketing material approved by the CMO or the CEO or by ‘Mr Legal’ in the Department of Business Prevention (and – yes – most companies have one) is often the chief cause of holdups. But approving marketing campaigns and collateral can be so Simple.
If you can’t relate to at least one of the above questions, you’ve probably never worked in a 21st Century marketing team.
We spend our lives flitting between Dropbox and Google Drive and Outlook and the company’s marketing drive, and yet most marketers are none-the-wiser about where stuff lives.
Having your marking assets in the same place that you brief campaigns and spec designs, and attach photos and link to videos, and annotate flyers and mark up banners, seems like such a Simple proposition. But for so many marketing teams it’s not. Yet.
The number of marketing software solutions that most marketers are juggling today is out of control. Which is why a five-functions-into-one platform such as Simple makes so much sense.
And that – in the words of that famous Bananarama pop song – that’s what gets results.