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How to Fix Your Marketing Risk & Compliance Process

So your company just got called out by the competition regulator and fined for breaching the rules on advertising – meaning ads went out the door with misleading information and incorrect...

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing Agile Marketing

Most chief executives wouldn’t even consider asking their head of human resources to run product a couple of days a week. Nor do you generally see the head of finance running public relations...

How Simple Streamlined this Marketing Workflow by 45%

We wanted to help marketers understand how streamlining their marketing workflows saves time. So we created a marketing workflow to describe the process of creating a marketing workflow. Then we...

6 signs the only good CMO is a growth CMO

Growth CMOs are all the rage. Is it because so many brand owners need to show shareholders quarterly growth? Is it because digital marketing is so measurable and data so available that they have...

4 Things We’ve Learned from Ongoing Global Financial Scandals

In 2019 there are some massive global issues for financial services marketers that will not go away. Every major market, from Europe to the US to Australia, seems to be affected.

5 Signs Your Marketing Planning Process Needs an Update

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” That’s the claim of time management guru Alan Lakein. So why don’t more marketers look forward to...

5 Best Practices for Managing Marketing Approvals

Nine out of 10 marketers say approval delays are the top reason they miss deadlines. And while this might seem like a passing problem, it doesn’t take long to become embedded in the culture of an...

10 Personality Types That Make Marketing Approvals A Nightmare

Ask any marketer the thing that most often causes them to miss a deadline and they’ll tell you: approvals. Or the lack thereof. In other words, delays and bottlenecks in the approval stages of their...

Manage the review and approval of marketing video content with admation

As predicted, video marketing continues to grow as the preferred way to connect with consumers. InVideo report that by 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of consumer internet traffic, ...

Steps to Create a Pain Free Marketing Approval Process

Effective marketing has now become more important than ever for a successful business. The tempo of marketing has also increased as many businesses are seeking that competitive edge in the market....