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Optimising Your Ad Agency for Peak Performance in 2024: Project and Resource Management in the Age of Agility

The advertising industry thrives on a dynamic interplay of creative vision, strategic execution, and measurable results. While leadership, client relationships, and brilliant minds are all...

10 Hidden Costs of Inefficient Marketing Processes: How to Avoid Them

Much of the effort when it comes to optimising marketing activity results tends to go into distribution channels, or finding the right media mix. And in times gone by when media spend comprised a...

Introducing MRM Software: Unlocking Cost Savings and Profit Boosts

MRM software has garnered significant praise for its array of features, but how exactly does it impact your bottom line? As discussed earlier, the modern MRM solution acts as an all-in-one hub for...

Admation Marketing Resource Management Software helps ease burnout

It's reported that between 5 to 7 per cent of the workforce are affected by burnout due to changes in the work environment. 2022 has been a challenging year off the back of two exception years....

Must have features of resource management software!!

Last week, we looked some of the benefits of resource management software at the such as greater transparency and the ability to allocate and track resources more effectively. But to really...

Admation releases enhanced Approval features and new Project Resource Timesheets

Admation releases enhanced Approval features and new Project Resource Timesheets

Delivering Value in a Disrupted Marketing World

Marketing is facing disruption and change on a scale not seen before. How do you win the hearts and minds of your customers and your organisation at a time of rapid digital transformation? Simple...

How Marketing Operations (or MRM) Underpins Successful Digital Transformations in Marketing

These days you can’t turn around in business without being exposed to some form of digital transformation. It seems everyone is either actively planning, just emerging from, or deeply mired in a...

Why Intellectual Property is Crucial to your Brand’s Digital Marketing Success

It should be a simple matter to get a copy of a brand ad from the brand owner, right? Um, not so fast. As the Simple team discovered recently, whether a brand owns the intellectual property in their...

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing Agile Marketing

Most chief executives wouldn’t even consider asking their head of human resources to run product a couple of days a week. Nor do you generally see the head of finance running public relations...