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9 Top Martech Trends for 2020

As 2019 draws to a close, Simple took the opportunity to reflect a little on some of the martech trends that moved the needle this year, and where we’re likely to see activity concentrated in...

The Changing Structure of Marketing Departments in the Age of Disruption

The traditional marketing department structure is under siege from the impact of new technologies, but while marketers know their organisations need an overhaul, many are struggling to formulate...

How Foxtel’s in-house agency Felix delivers brand and efficiency gains

How Foxtel’s in-house agency Felix delivers brand and efficiency gains Subscription television company Foxtel doesn’t do things by halves. Ranked in the top 10 Australian advertisers by spend, the...

The Transition to Agile Marketing: Be prepared!

Before you decide to implement an Agile Marketing process, it’s important to assess the benefit to your organisation of adopting Agile Marketing and your readiness for it — both from the point of...

Digital, data and connectedness: inspiring officers at the Police Digital Summit 2021

Police force representatives from across the UK joined together for three days of back-to-back sessions covering all things digital transformation: new technologies, data-driven policing and digital...

*Simple launches in EMEA to help CMOs claw back cost of marketing complexity

LONDON – 10 October 2018: Australia-based marketing technology company Simple has opened a London office and announced its EMEA management team a month after an investment round worth AUD $17m to...

5 Ways Marketing Team Structures are Changing in 2019

It’s become de rigeur for marketing team structures to change every couple of years, if not more frequently. These restructures can be as simple as a slight re-organisation to accommodate the...

Why AI is Too Important to Leave to Data Scientists

Marketers cannot leave data scientists to apply artificial intelligence to marketing data without themselves understanding how the technology works, or they risk misunderstanding their markets,...

4 Things We’ve Learned from Ongoing Global Financial Scandals

In 2019 there are some massive global issues for financial services marketers that will not go away. Every major market, from Europe to the US to Australia, seems to be affected.