Productivity issues drive mainstream brands to try agile marketing
Agile transformations are back in vogue in business, it seems, with big companies taking to the media to talk publicly about how agile they’ve become. While ‘Agile’ was historically practised by...
When was the last time you saw the whites of your customers’ eyes?
How many layers are there in the decision making process that drives your marketing activity? Do you rely on a complex marketing technology stack to the point where it’s become a surrogate or proxy...
Episode 4: Marketing needs a new operating system
She’s been dubbed by Campaign magazine as a genuine trailblazer, whose “blend of refreshing honesty and practical insight is genuinely inspiring”. Two years on, Amelia Torode shows no sign of slowing...
Episode 3: The tyranny of choice in the B2B martech stack
B2B marketing is gaining momentum unlike ever before, with organisations across the globe harnessing technology to inject innovation into their business. When it comes to choosing that technology...
9 Tips for Getting a Better Return from your Martech Investment
A former colleague returned from an international secondment with his employer recently to find the local marketing team had invested in a number of new martech tools while he was away, none of which...
Episode 2: Claw back the cost of your marketing complexity
In 2019 marketing has become convoluted, over-elaborate and confused. For marketers increasingly grappling to join all their activity together to demonstrate value, the struggle is all too real.Yet...
Episode 1: Breathing the customer back into your brand
With more than two decades of marketing experience at the helm of one of Britain’s most loved brands, British Airways, there isn’t much that Abigail Comber doesn’t know when it comes to building a...
Why building your corporate memory muscle is your best marketing and CX investment
We all know there’s a high level of turnover in the average marketing team. How high? Well, according to a recent LinkedIn study, marketing roles have the highest turnover rate of any job function at...
Seven sins of marketing planning
After 30 years in marketing and technology not many things surprise me anymore. But I have to confess, I’m still astonished at how little attention is paid to marketing planning.
Laying the foundations for transformational change in marketing
Few people know what it takes to deliver successful transformations in marketing and operations as well as Norma Abeyasekera, founder of Abey & Abey Consulting and former Director Operations,...