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Is version control the bane of your existence?

How do you know the correct version of your marketing content and collateral is the only version that gets distributed? On the face of it, this might seem like a redundant question. But is it?

The 5 lines of defence for marketing risk and compliance

Governance and compliance procedures are often taken for granted in marketing — until they fall down. But what happens when risk and compliance procedures go wrong?Imagine a financial institution...

6 Things to Do After a Marketing Team Restructure

Marketing teams were once relatively stable structures with brand and direct marketing teams, perhaps a communications or events team, and a few agency partners. That has changed with the addition of...

7 Ways Simple helps CMOs Reduce Marketing Complexity

“Marketing is not easy. It’s hard.” Those words might have been uttered by any junior marketer, in any organisation, anywhere. In fact, they come from a conversation about marketing complexity...

6 signs the only good CMO is a growth CMO

Growth CMOs are all the rage. Is it because so many brand owners need to show shareholders quarterly growth? Is it because digital marketing is so measurable and data so available that they have...

How to Build a Better Marketing Plan with Simple

Marketers spend a lot of their time planning. Talk to some marketers, and it feels like that’s all they do: plan out the year; set out the quarter; get into the nitty-gritty of the major themes and...

5 Tips for Buying Martech that Saves You Time

If you look at all the separate individual platforms or SaaS systems companies are investing in, teams are losing about five hours a week just by logging in and going into those separate systems....

4 Things We’ve Learned from Ongoing Global Financial Scandals

In 2019 there are some massive global issues for financial services marketers that will not go away. Every major market, from Europe to the US to Australia, seems to be affected.

5 Signs Your Marketing Planning Process Needs an Update

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” That’s the claim of time management guru Alan Lakein. So why don’t more marketers look forward to...

4 Ways AI Will Make Creative Briefs Better

Ad man David Ogilvy once famously said: “Give me the freedom of a tight brief.” A tight creative brief to agency creative teams eliminates time-wasters and tangential information, making it faster...