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Which Software is Right? Understanding Marketing Software Categories.

The role of the marketer has evolved over time to keep up with technological advancements and business demands. Today, not only do you have to be a jack of all trades, you also have to be a master of...

Is less really more when it comes to agency project management software?

Today we welcome back our guest blogger, Dave Ewers, who is reviewing admation?s user-friendly interface that combines a number of project management, resource management and approval workflow ...

Debunking common misconceptions about project management software

Managing your creative projects is no easy feat. Not only do you have multiple jobs on the go, you also have to resource tasks, chase feedback and approvals, brief changes, stay on budget, and meet...

Questions to ask before investing in ad agency management software

Juggling multiple tools to manage your ad agency projects? Tired of endless email trails and scrambled audit trails? Difficultly ascertaining where your jobs are at any given moment? More ad agencies...

Understanding Your Marketing Approval Workflow and Utilising Software

Today, marketers are juggling up to six social media sites at any one time and outputting 75% more content than the year before. Still a majority feel they should be performing better. With this in...

Best Practices S3: How Small Digital Agencies Punch above their Weight

In the rapidly evolving landscape of 2023, small digital agencies face a fundamental question: how can they effectively compete with larger agencies? As brands increasingly bring tasks in-house, the...

How Businesses Can Stay on Top of their Marketing Compliance

With regulatory bodies and consumers (think social media) monitoring brands more closely for their marketing practices, marketing compliance should be top of mind again this year. After all, the...

How to Build a Creative Advertising Agency that Thrives

Let's face it, the reason creatives get into this business is to be, well, creative. But all too often poor planning, clunky approval workflow and outdated management tools eat into creative time. If...

2023 Best Practices S2: Customer Retention Strategies for Ad Agencies

Statistics for client retention isn't what it used to be for creative ad agencies. In fact, today clients are only staying as long as two and half years, with other reports indicating that clients...

Admation's new 'In Progress' List helps manage marketing projects

This month, we are excited to announce a new Admation's 'In Progress' list, that is going to help you manage your marketing projects. Projects are now visually displayed on the 'In Progress'...