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Agile Marketing Software: How Simple Supports your Agile Process

Business professor Leon C Megginson’s famous words sum up the conundrum facing a growing number of marketing leaders who are turning to agile marketing processes to help them prosper in a disrupted...

Six Ways to Smash the Silo Effect that Plagues Marketing

Most customers are on first-name terms with the Silo Effect: you know, when you call your insurance company to discuss your home insurance policy and find if you also want to take a car insurance...

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing Agile Marketing

Most chief executives wouldn’t even consider asking their head of human resources to run product a couple of days a week. Nor do you generally see the head of finance running public relations...

Five Reasons to get a Marketing Operations Platform (aka MRM) this year

Take a minute to think about this thorny marketing operations issue: how much of your team’s marketing activity is really aligned with your strategic goals? For one client, prior to its appointment...

The Death of the Spreadsheet Marketing Calendar

Managing all your marketing activity without a marketing calendar is a bit like having a dozen balls in the air and trying to guess how fast each one is spinning while riding a unicycle on a...

How to Consolidate 4 of Your Marketing Tools with 1 Solution

Anyone who’s ever been part of a marketing team understands how chaotic it can be to execute on strategy. This only gets worse the larger your team gets. You end up with tool chaos — multiple logins,...

It Ain’t What You Do, It’s The Way That You Do It

Many of today’s marketers spend their days, nights and weekends knee-deep in activities, campaigns and metrics which are broadly common across key verticals (finance, education, FMCG, etc) and...

Episode 5: Marketing’s biggest friction point

He’s got a marketing track record that spans more than 25 years at the helm of some of the world’s largest and most successful brands and yet, for Alexander von Schirmeister, successful marketing...

9 ways to modernise your marketing plan

From balancing your marketing mix to zero-based budgeting and feasibility checks – we talk with Jennifer Johnson (Rogue Consulting) and Kate Gunby (Guided by Numbers) to break down planning for the...

MRM: The missing piece in your martech stack

Would you buy a car that had doors and a steering wheel but no engine? You could motor down hills and coast for a while on flat roads, but come to an uphill stretch and suddenly you’d find you’re at...