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Have More Visibility Over Your Marketing Projects Without Losing Your Head

The Dilemma and The Fix Series - Part 4: The DilemmaJames is Head of Marketing and currently doing the annual budget for his department. Since ramping up operations, he has no idea how much time is...

Connect your workflow and finance software for greater ease and agility

Software solutions are becoming a critical part of streamlining operations in ad agencies. Still, technology can pose its own challenges. For example, the disconnect between specialised tools is...

Protect your global brand with marketing approval workflow software

You know that moment, when great branding stops you in your tracks and makes you take notice. It?s clever, maybe funny, aesthetically beautiful or stark. But always memorable. If a business then...

Why MRM software is important for marketing teams

The 2016 State of Agile Marketing Report found that the top challenge for 24.4% of marketers was 'doing more with fewer people and smaller budgets'. Fast track to 2018 and the frustration lingers....

4 Ways to Effectively Scale Your Marketing and Creative Teams

If you?re thinking about scaling your team, then it?s obviously time to invest in more talent to meet an increasing demand. It?s also the perfect time to review your current operations to ensure that...

Stop Googling Career Counsellors. There?s a Simple Way to Manage Your Marketing Resources

The Dilemma and The Fix Series - Part 3: The DilemmaJenny is a marketing manager who oversees a team of ten people, four of whom make up the creative team. Most days she feels like she?s managing 50...

Avoid a Tree Change with Better Marketing Compliance

The Dilemma and The Fix Series - Part 2 The DilemmaMatt is part of a Legal team for a big brand. His likes include legal protocol, tennis and home-made burritos. His dislikes include anything to do...

Marketing Project Challenges: Managing Your Marketing Approval Workflow

The marketing approval workflow process relates to the full cycle of creating marketing content, from briefing in a creative project to gathering feedback on artwork to final approval. With the...

Managing Marketing Projects: Why are Ancient Practices Still in Place?

Today, marketers are under ever-increasing pressure to push out more projects, faster, to feed a range of hungry marketing channels. If there ever was a good time for brands to rethink their...

Take the Angst Out of Managing Your Brand Assets

The Dilemma & The Fix Series - Part 1: The DilemmaSerena is a Brand Manager for a global business with stores in five countries and an online sales portal. It?s only morning time but she has a good...