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How to avoid burnout in your Creative Marketing Team

With increasing pressure to create and deliver standout marketing campaigns with tighter turnarounds and always having to be on, working in the marketing industry can be high-octane. Creative teams...

Blitz the tender process with agency project management software

Martech is huge business these days as more creative teams and marketers turn to technology to streamline their marketing project processes and workflow. In particular, the ?project management...

Software Suggest awards admation with Best Value & Trending Software

The Software Suggest Recognition Awards 2019 recently awarded admation with two gongs for Best Value Software and Trending Software. It's always nice to have our project management software...

Is your marketing technology making you inefficient?

Utilised in the right way, Martech has the ability to improve marketing productivity and turnaround times exponentially. The problem? Marketers are adopting so many tools that the very benefits...

You Don't Need A Crystal Ball to Better Service Your Ad Agency Clients

The Dilemma and The Fix Series - Part 7 The Dilemma: Angela is an Account Manager at a medium sized ad agency. She?s having one of those days where three clients have tuned in on the same wave...

What's the difference - task, process and project management software

The tools that marketers use to produce marketing content can differ from brand to brand. Depending on the size of your business and the complexity of your projects, your marketing team may comprise...

Project Management Hacks #4: The chicken and the egg in collaboration.

Q: I?m new to my role as a traffic manager in a digital agency where I manage a crazy amount of creative projects. I?ve already discovered a few bad habits while managing approvals. For example, my...

Tips to Optimise your MRM Software Investment

According to the 2017 Global CMO Study, 41% of respondents expected to implement marketing resource management (MRM) software in the near future. And while the benefits of investing in this tool are...

Meet admation?s new Full Screen Approval feature!

At admation, we genuinely care about the user experience so we?re always creating new ways for our clients to better manage their creatives projects.

Best Practices for Selecting the Best MRM Software for your business

Marketing resource management (MRM) software is becoming a critical tool for marketers needing to resource and manage larger campaigns with complex approval levels. Today?s comprehensive MRM software...